If you are traveling for a hiking or camping trip with a large group of friends or family, a better option than carrying individual tents is to carry a large tent that can accommodate more people. It can not only make it easier for you to carry one tent instead of several but also allow your friends and family to stay in one place for a more fun experience.
One of the most popular types that are often used by large groups is a 10-person tent, which provides enough space for a large group to sleep in one tent. However, it is not easy to find a reliable 10-person tent as you need to look into a lot of factors when buying one.
Is it sturdy enough? Is it too heavy to carry or lightweight that makes it portable? Does it offer any additional storage for the luggage of 10 people? Does it provide enough protection against the harsh weather?
Now, to make it easier for our readers, we have answered all of these questions about one of the most loved 10-person tents on the market today—the Coleman Weathermaster 10-person Outdoor Tent.
About Coleman
Let’s talk about the brand first. Coleman is probably the most well-known and well-recognized U.S.-based brand in the outdoor industry. This is, of course, due to the high-quality outdoor products and kitchenware that they produce.
Out of all of their products, they are most famous for their camping accessories and tents, and the Coleman WeatherMaster 10-person Outdoor Tent is one such product that they are proud of.
Coleman WeatherMaster 10-Person Outdoor Tent

This spacious tent is designed to accommodate up to 10 people, as it covers around 153 square feet (17 by 9 feet). The maximum height it can support is at six feet and eight inches, which makes it easier for even taller people to move around inside. All in all, this tent only weighs in at around 31 pounds.
When it comes to a tent that is designed to house 10 persons during summer camping, ventilation is very important. For this reason, this tent features two doors at opposite sides to allow for air circulation. The overall structure resembles a dome that also makes it look cool when you set it up.
Even though it is a big tent, it is very easy to set up. In fact, it won’t even take more than 20 minutes. At most, you need only two people to set it up. It comes with color-coded poles and detailed instructions that can help you stand up the three support pole sections easily.
The interior also allows you to divide the tent into two sections for privacy. As we cannot survive without electronic gadgets anymore, the tent also features a cable to connect your devices with it. The fabric is made of polyester mesh. The built is also sturdy, while the WeatherTec System, which is installed in most of the Coleman tents, provides you with the best protection against rain and harsh weather.
- Enough space to house three queen size air mattresses
- Inverted seams keep you protected from any leakage during rain
- The tent floor is waterproof and strong enough to bear the weight of ten people
- Limited one-year manufacturer’s warranty
- Keeps you cool in the summer due to excellent ventilation
- Not among the most affordable options, but offers great value for money
Summary of the Features
The Coleman WeatherMaster 10-Person Outdoor Tent makes a great option for those who are looking for a summer tent that can keep them feeling cool. The latest Coleman patented technology, along with a strong fiberglass frame, also keeps you dry and relaxed no matter how heavy the rain is.
The bathtub style floor is also leak-proof and sturdy enough, so you don’t have to worry about kids jumping around on it. It is also lightweight enough to carry around and takes less than half an hour for two people to set up.
You can also use the room divider to create two separate 8.5 by 9 feet rooms for better privacy. Overall, it makes a perfect tent for families.
A 10-person tent is a very popular and in-demand option for families looking for a spacious tent that can provide enough space for a family of five to 10 people. This is why you can find many brands that offer a lot of different 10-person tent models.
One another such option is the Mountain Trails Grand Pass 10 Person Tent. If we compare them both and begin with the brand, the Coleman is way ahead in terms of recognition as it is a century-old brand, while Mountain Trails is a relatively new company.
There is also a difference in their built. Coleman WeatherMaster is made of string polyester fabric, while the Grand Pass is made of nylon. The maximum height is also less as it can only support a maximum height of six feet two inches, a much lower height than that of six feet eight inches in Coleman.
On the other hand, both are easy to set up, allows good ventilation in summer, and made of a fiberglass frame. However, the main poles used in Coleman are made of steel. Grand Pass also covers a little more space as it covers 18 by 10 feet, while the Coleman WeatherMaster covers around 17 by 9 feet. The price of Grand Pass is less than that of Coleman WeatherMaster, but it is also not as sturdy as the one from Coleman.
Overall, if you are looking for strength and ultimate protection for your family, which is the most important thing during an outdoor trip, there are not many brands or models that can beat the Coleman WeatherMaster.
Even though not among the most affordable options out there, the Coleman WeatherMaster 10-Person Outdoor Tent offers you the best value for your money due to its interesting and useful features that puts it way above its competitors.
The built is sturdy, the overall dome-like structure is eye-catching, and the material is strong enough to withstand even the harsh summer heat and heavy rains. More than that, it is also durable, lightweight, easy to set up, and offers your family great protection.

Our website author Tom is a devoted outdoor enthusiast and active blogger who has a profound love for the great outdoors, especially camping and kayaking.
This passion for the outdoors combined with studying an MSc. in Product Design, and working as a Product Engineer gives him the perfect combination of experience and expertise to help guide you on the best camping and kayaking gear.
Tom aims to inspire other travellers to appreciate nature’s beauty by sharing their experiences, wisdom, and intriguing stories in engrossing blog articles. He believes in working to promote respect for and preservation of our priceless landscapes out of a dedication to environmental stewardship.
Join Tom on their quest to find undiscovered treasures, exchange helpful advice, and arouse awe for the vast outdoors.